Similarities between AIS and MIS

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Accounting information Systems (AIS) and Management Information Systems (MIS) are a body of knowledge meant to teach accounting professionals the framework of an accounting system in an organization. While MIS is to explain the management support system for an entity. But that is not all!

Why it is important to differentiate between AIS and MIS

It is of utmost importance to distinguish between AIS and MIS. This is because of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) in the United States. Management is expected to set up internal controls for the organization. Also, management is to certify the internal control processes of their organization.

And external auditors must express an opinion with regards to the internal control system of the organizations examined. Therefore, it is the knowledge of management information systems and accounting information systems that will help management and auditors achieve their goals.

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Similarities between AIS and MIS

  • Both are information systems used in an organization.
  • They contain qualitative and quantitative data.
  • MIS and AIS are used by management to make decisions for the entity.
  • The goal of both systems is to ensure that business data and events are stored in such a way that they are accessible to users.
  • AIS and MIS systems are made of various subsystems.

AIS vs MIS: Five differences

Below Are five differences between an accounting informal system and a management information system.

By Definition

AIS is an information system that processes financial transactions and non-financial transactions that are related to the financial transactions of an entity. But MIS is a system that processes the nonfinancial information of an organization.

Scope of AIS and MIS

An accounting information system is limited in scope when compared with a management information system. MIS encompasses both AIS, marketing system, procurement system, human resource management system and any other systems that are necessary to ensure that data are processed and stored by an organization.


AIS subsystems include a transaction processing system (TPS), general ledger/financial reporting system (GL/FRS), and management reporting system (MRS). While MIS subsystems include finance, marketing, distribution/procurement and human resources subsystems.

Types of data

AIS processes financial data and non-financial data that are related to financial data. For example, the sales of goods to a customer result in financial data that is sales and the amount the product was sold. It also results in non-financial data which is the name, phone number and address of the customer.

MIS, on the other hand, processes non-financial data. That will include but is not be limited to employee data, customer data, procurement data and other data required for management to make decisions.

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Users of AIS are both internal and external to the organization. While management (internal users) are the primary users of AIS, the reports provided from this system can be modified for use by external parties such as tax authorities, financial analysts and potential shareholders. However, the MIS system is used by management.

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