ICAN school fees 2022

ICAN school fees 2022

The school fees or exam fees for ICAN in the current year are published by them. However, the fee remains the same for a while before it is increased. This article lists the amount you will pay at each level. Starting with the foundation to professional levels. Don’t be confused about it. If you are at the foundation level and you are writing four papers the fee is different from those writing three papers and so on.

Fees for Foundation level

This level has a total of four papers. Unless you are exempted from certain papers here, you are expected to write all four papers before moving to the next stage. This is also true with other stages below. However, some students prefer writing them bit by bit. They may choose to write two papers per diet. Note that a diet is an exam period. There are May and December diets. 

  • One Paper: NGN22,500
  • Two Papers: NGN28,700
  • Three Papers: NGN34,900
  • Four Papers: NGN41,100

Skill level

Under this level, you are expected to write six papers. But exemptions may reduce the number of papers you may write here. The exam fees are:

  • One Paper: NGN31,700
  • Two Papers: NGN41,700
  • Three Papers: NGN51,700
  • Four Papers: NGN61,700
  • Five Papers: NGN71,700
  • Six Papers: NGN81,700

Professional level

Here, there are five papers to write. If you choose to write all five papers in a sitting, you will pay a sum of 79,450 Naira. There is hardly any exemption at this level. Unless for individuals who hold ACCA and B.Sc certificates in Nigeria. These people will write one paper at the skill level and one paper at the professional level. ICAN school fees are:

  • One Paper: NGN34,450
  • Two Papers: NGN45,700
  • Three Papers: NGN56,950
  • Four Papers: NGN68,200
  • Five Papers: NGN79,450

Papers you will write at each level

Below are the lists of papers you are expected to write at each level of the ICAN examination.

Foundation level

  • Financial Accounting
  • Business law
  • Management Information
  • Business Management and finance

Skill level

  • Financial Reporting
  • Taxation
  • Performance Management
  • Audit and Assurance
  • Public Sector Accounting and Finance

Corporate Strategic Management Ethics

Professional Level

  • Corporate Reporting
  • Advanced Taxation
  • Strategic Financial Management
  • Advanced Audit and Assurance
  • Case Study

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